Happily, they were distracted by breakfast, so I was able to right the container and put in a fresh liner. I have four boxes of Glad ForceFlex Medium Garbage Bags in my cupboard. Tall and Small are on every store's shelves, but Medium are hard to come by. Whenever I find them, I buy them. Let's dismiss Small as too small to do the job as a main garbage container in a kitchen, even for a single woman who doesn't cook. That leaves Tall, which is too big to fit under the sink. That leaves Medium, which is my size, but, as I said, difficult to find.
That means that people have their kitchen garbage out in the open? Or their countertops are taller than mine, and a Tall can fit under the sink? I really don't know. I just know that it's getting more and more difficult to stay Medium.
Look at this beautiful cup and saucer Kimberly gave me for a housewarming gift! I love it! I collect blue-and-white teacups, although I am not a serious collector. That is, I don't know jack about the cups. I just like them. Still, I noticed that this cup is especially large. I checked out the writing on the bottom. It was designed by Ralph Lauren (or a minion thereof). Ah, so it's modern. I think my next most modern piece is at least twenty-five years old, a blue-grey by Mikasa. Ralph's is eight ounces, while the standard teacup is only six. I have a couple that are five ounces, but beyond that, they move into the realm of the demi-tasse. Apparently in the teacup world, bigger isn't necessarily better, but it is newer.
The other day, Olga and I went down to North Port to Warm Mineral Springs (dot com). That's the catchy name of a warm mineral springs that maintains a steady eighty-seven degrees, and which Ponce de Leon mistook for the Fountain of Youth, because of its fifty-one chemicals and stinky nature, I guess. In any case, "warm" is misleading – at least in my world – but in the world of springs, it is warm. There are cold, warm, and hot springs, and their standards are different from mine. I, for instance, would have named the place Chilly Mineral Springs.
On the ride there, I put my twenty-ounce bottle of water into the cup-holder built into my 1990 Toyoto Corolla. It just barely fit. In fact, before the trip was over, I just put the bottle between the seats, and let it bobble around on the parking brake's handle. Twenty years ago, no one was driving with twenty-ounce cups.
I, too, am getting bigger. I hit a milestone the other day. I had the perfect over-medium eggs at the Kopper Kitchen. When I stood and looked down at the check, I saw instead a lovely glob of golden yoke on my shirt. As my party pictures showed, but which I had been able to ignore, I've become one of those middle-aged women whose, um, chest has broadened and sunken down onto her stomach, which has also grown, until her whole torso is just this, this wobbling barrel of doughy flesh. And that chest has become a sort of table for all manner of things, starting with, on that fateful day, egg yolk. Instead of the 36 C of my youth, I'm a 44 Long.
Huh! We're the same size! (Although I went from 32AA of my youth. I was a 34B once - but I had to get pregnant to get that!)
I am delighted that you have blogged. I, once again, chuckled out loud. The pic of the kits was well taken.
I am not, however, looking forward to becoming a 34 long...
Blog more - it makes me chuckle to hear your tales.
Chilly Mineral Springs, indeed! I agree; if I didn't keep moving I would get chilled- I am a FLORIDIAN, or my circulation sucks, which has also been true for much longer. Your boobs are sagging and so are my veins. So be it. I did feel like I had a new body the next day, after the Chilly Springs- NOT because of the therapeutic minerals, but because I had been swimming for over an hour and my body got in shape - also I was exhausted that night when I got home. Now I've had my bagel, etc and can't seem to get moving- do I need to go to the Chilly Springs to get exercise? Maybe. Brrrrr. They did have delciious food there and it was very peaceful and quiet cause I don't speak Russian.
Sorry, forgot to say I LOVE THE PHOTO OF THE KITTENS!! Adorable and very fun.
Thanks for my first "burst out laughing" moment of the day. Very nice to see a new blog in my G-mail this morning.
Yay! Great photos... and great to hear your blogging voice! Sorry I hadn't been aware of the BLUEness of your collection. (And I went to 34 long when I was 18, so I've had lots of time to get used to it!) Thanks for the laugh! ~ Rene
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