Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Number Ten

Since Liz is almost in the air at this very moment, it's okay for me to show you her car. If anyone can give me tips on photographing shiny cars, bring them forth, please. I do apologize for these lousy shots. Still, the car is recognizable. When you see Liz driving down the street, give her the Secret Blog Hand Symbol and she'll do the same. You'll be instant sisters. Yes. Even you brothers.
With the surprising and satisfying addition of the famous Bill Double-U as a Follower, you'll see that just one more Follower and I will fill in the row AND get the other robe. I'm beggin' ya'!


olga kruse said...

Liz's car is adorable; really, Natterer, it's so ...'feminine', and different. Like IT.

Jason said...

Unless you're using an SLR-type camera OR a camera that has a lens adapter that allows filters to be put on, then reflective pictures are for you...

Angie said...

Hi Barb, Angie here. Rick sent me your link. Love your work, can't wait to see the car around town.

xzentricity43 said...

Nice work, Barbara. Your talent shines brightly!